Concrete is a popular choice for many of our customers for their driveways for a variety of reasons, mainly the durability it offers and the fact that very little maintenance is required to keep it looking brilliant.
Middle of the road in terms of cost, depending on the size of driveways in question, it is more expensive than some materials, but far cheaper than others.
This image is showing Imprinted Concret.
At one time, concrete was a poor relation to cobbles, paving stones and other materials when it came to driveways, simply because it was seen as a little boring. The finish was the same, no matter where you laid it; it was usually smooth or slightly undulated, and it was usually grey or beige in colour.
But, there has been a transformation in concrete, revealing a new-look product that can be dyed or coloured with pigment; it can also be stamped once it has been poured, to create a pattern on the finished surface.
If you already own a concrete driveway and it’s beginning to show the signs of aging and exceptional deterioration, or has a tremendous amount of patching and repairs and looks patchy, blotchy and uninviting… removing and replacing it may be in order! This absolutely should be performed by a reputable concrete company that will do it right the first time by performing soil tests and determining if the sub-grade is suitable to re-install the concrete driveway on the existing soil. If not, the soil should be excavated and new base or structural material installed for a solid, long lasting driveway.

All driveways age and deteriorate and become a use and safety hazard. The goal with any driveway should be to maximize the life of expectancy as much as possible before having to completely remove and replace it. This requires a solid plan with frequent maintenance of every 2 to 3 years!